Heel Pain?

The calcaneus is the largest bone of the foot and its main function is to absorb the impact of the body as the heel hits the ground. When heel pain occurs it can be very painful and have a disabling effect on how you walk which in turn may result in other injuries.

Heel pain is a common complaint and is usually caused by sudden trauma or repetitive micro trauma (several repetitive small injuries over some time).

There are many causes of heel pain including:

  • Plantar fasciitis. 
  • Achilles tendinitis. 
  • Retro calcaneal bursitis. 
  • Stress fracture.
  • Heel spur.
  • Gastrocnemius Equinus.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis. 
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. 
  • Severs disease. 

Risk factors for heel pain are anything that causes excessive strain or pressure on your foot, tight muscles, or how you walk (foot mechanics or the structure of your foot).

You may be more at risk of heel pain if you:

  • Walk around barefoot for long periods.
  • Wear improperly fitted shoes.
  • Have Pes Planus (flat foot) or Pes Cavus (high arch).
  • Spend a long time standing on hard floors such as concrete.
  • Have tight calf muscles.
  • Play sports that involve a lot of running and jumping.
  • Are overweight.
  • Over exerted yourself too soon when returning to exercise.

Most cases of heel pain will get better over time with the correct treatment regime. Treatment focuses on pain relief, improving foot flexibility and function, and minimising stress on the heel. Treatments include:

  • Pain relief such as NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Ice packs. 
  • Stretching regime.
  • Orthotics.
  • Taping.
  • Massage.
  • Shockwave Therapy.

Heel pain can affect people of any age and there are many different causes each with different treatment regimens which is why it’s always best to see a podiatrist.

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