Achilles tendinopathy is an injury to the band of tissue (tendon) that connects the muscles in your lower leg to your heel bone.
The two main forms of Achilles tendinopathy:
Injury to the tendon itself is known as tendinosis and is commonly caused by degeneration which weakens the tendon over time.
Insertional tendinopathy – where the tendon inserts into the heel bone and the fibres become damaged and inflamed.
I was lucky to observe a classic example of Achilles tendinopathy on an ultrasound during a mentoring day with Sean Savage @sportyfeetni Vice Dean @roycolpod and Lead Specialist Sports Medicine Podiatrist in the UK and Ireland.
The left image shows an injured leg showing a thicker tendon.
The right image shows an uninjured leg and a healthy tendon.
Treatment options include Shockwave therapy, Ostenel injection, platelet-rich plasma injection, and heavy-load eccentric muscle training programme.
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